Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fit Tip: Create a Workout Plan to Stick To

How many times have you started a new workout routine in January and fell off the wagon by the end of February? It happens to a lot of people when goals are unrealistic or plans aren’t well thought out. Get focused this year and use these tips to create a workout plan to stick to.
Create a weekly schedule.  Long term goals are great, but it’s also important to break it down into weekly expectations.  Write down a weekly workout plan and schedule it into your calendar like any other meeting. When planning workouts, remember that the Center for Disease Control recommends 150 minutes of cardio exercise per week. Split that into five, 30-minute sessions or maybe 15 minutes Monday-Thursday and an hour on Saturdays and Sundays.  Make it work for you. Add in two strength sessions per week and you’ll be meeting the exercise requirements for a healthy body.  
Log your exercise. Tracking workouts and progress will increase your motivation to show up at the gym. Log workouts with apps like Runtastic, websites like LFconnect or just old fashioned pen and paper.
Find a class and make friends. Group classes are ideal because there’s something for everyone. Add a class once or twice a week to cross train and add varitey. Plus, on those days when you don’t feel like creating your own workout you can just show up and follow the guidance of a group fitness instructor. Making friends in class will make showing up even more enjoyable and will provide an additional layer of accountability.  
Increase intensity over time. Don’t jump on a stationary bike for the first time and go full tilt with the most difficult preprogrammed workout. Doing more than you are ready for might make you throw in the towel. Hop on the treadmill, elliptical or other equipment and work up to an intensity that’s right for you.  Add hills, intervals and zone training as you go. As your strength improves, you can increase your speed, intensity, duration and resistance.

This FitTip was brought to you by Lifefitness

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